2024 International Conference on Computer Vision, Robotics and Automation Engineering(CRAE 2024)
Call For Papers
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Call For Papers

The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

Computer VisionRoboticsIntelligent Automation Systems and Applications

Big Data and Computer Vision

Biometric Identification

Biomedical Image Analysis

Remote Sensing Images

Computational Photography

Optimization and Learning Methods

Sensing and Display

Datasets and Performance Analysis

Document Image Analysis

Character Recognition

Posture Analysis

Behavior Recognition

Visual Model

Video Analysis

Multimodal Information Processing

Vision and Language

Sports and Tracking

Three-dimensional Reconstruction

Model, Identify, and Control

Human-Computer Interaction

Robot Control

Motion Planning and Scheduling

Mobile Sensor Network

Move Robot

Medical Robots and Biorobotics

Bionic Robot

Search, Rescue, and Field Robots

Space and Underwater Robots

Multimedia Robot


Robot Operating System

Intelligent Sensing System

Robot Grabbing and Manipulation

Robot Sensing and Data Fusion

Distributed Sensing

Multi-Sensor Fusion

Robot Structure Design and Control

Computational Intelligence and Applications

Pattern Recognition, Image Processing, Machine Learning

Neural Networks and Control

Automatic Control System

Automation and Monitoring Systems

Intelligent Transportation Technology and Systems

Automation Technology Application

Fuzzy Systems and Fuzzy Control

Cyber-Physical Systems and Sensor Networks

Speech Recognition and Signal Reconstruction

Artificial Intelligence Technology and Application